Wps Office Libreoffice

Despite all the features, the freedom and the flexibility that Linux may offer you, it is not perfect. New Linux users face a lot of issues when they switch to Linux; such as not being able to use Microsoft Office, which is a popular productivity software!

Both LibreOffice Writer and LibreOffice Calc have an import filter for.wps files. If instead you meant by “wps files” files that were created by the “WPS Office” ( a.k.a. “Kingsoft Office” ), as already refered to in the answer by @Kruno, it should be no problem to open them in LibreOffice. The Manjaro team listened to the community feedback and modified its decision of including FreeOffice as the default office suite. From next release, users will get the option to choose between FreeOffice and LibreOffice while installing Manjaro Linux.

Now don’t panic just yet; there are two solutions to this problem. You can use a software called Wine that can enable you to install MS Office on your Linux. This solution is not preferred as not all version of MS Office are supported, leaving you with a very little choice.

The second option is that you can use alternative MS Office suites that are available for Linux, which will be the topic of this article. Following is a list of the best Linux office suites.

Wps Office Vs Libreoffice Vs Openoffice



LibreOffice is the most popular alternative to Microsoft Office. As MS Office is not available on Linux, most Linux users use Libre Office instead. LibreOffice is a free & open-source software. It is available on all three major operating systems, i.e. Windows, Linux and macOS. LibreOffice has simple yet comprehensive UI than contains all the necessary functions. You can also add extensions to add functionalities. It contains all the applications for multiple purposes, just like Microsoft office.

In total, it has six different applications; LibreOffice Writer is for writing and editing word documents. LibreOffice Draw is a vector graphics editor. LibreOffice Impress is used to create and edit presentations. LibreOffice Calc is the spreadsheet application of the LibreOffice suite. App for managing and creating databases is LibreOffice Base. Indonesian fender squier serial numbers. LibreOffice Math used to create & edit mathematical formulas. These formulas can then be inserted in your documents, spreadsheets and presentations.

WPS Office

WPS Office is a simple but fast office suite. It is free and open-source. WPS Office suite contains three applications; Writer for word documents, Presentation for presentations and Spreadsheets for managing spreadsheets. It provides a comprehensive set of tools.

One major problem that the users face is the advertisements. Advertisements in WPS Office can become quite annoying. These are placed at such a position that the user might accidentally click on them. Aside from this, it offers a slick modern look that resembles Microsoft Office.

GNOME Office

If your system is a little outdated, then GNOME office might be the perfect office suite for you. Chopin complete edition torrent flac download. GNOME Office, like most of the Office Suites on this list, is free and open source. It is lightweight, has a simple interface and has a great import/export feature. It is a little outdated and has very few updates making it a perfect match for low-end systems. It offers a lot of applications like Gnu-cash for databases, AbiWord for word documents, Ease for presentations, Gnumeric for spreadsheets and much more.

Calligra Suite

Calligra id another Office Suite available for Linux. It is free and open-source. Originally it was designed for KDE. It also supports Windows and macOS. It contains nine different application that offers functionalities like Word-processing, Spreadsheet managing, Presentation software and much more. It has a relatively slow rate of development when compared to other Office suites. It also had an android version which was discontinued due to the bad response.


Google’s G Suite/Google Drive

Google’s G Suite is an online Office suite that provides a lot of features that most of the offline Office Suite provide. It has Google Doc for word processing, Google Sheets for spreadsheets and Google Slides for making and editing presentations. One of G Suite’s main feature is collaboration. Many people can work on the same file and update it, thus making collaboration very easy.

It is very well built for an online office suite. Another key feature is the accessibility. You can access your file anywhere and make necessary changes to it. It has a client for Windows, Android and macOS. Sadly, there is no official Google Drive Client for Linux however ODrive can be used to access Google Drive on Linux which is an unofficial Google Drive client for Linux.

One major issue that troubles a lot of users regardless of the platform they are using is that Google Drive is cloud-based, meaning Google has access to all your documents and files on Google Drive. Overall it is a pretty well-built office suite that provides a lot of user-friendly features, granted at the price of privacy.

Feng Office

Feng Office is another online office suite in this list. There is no client available for desktop; however, it can be deployed on a local server. Like most of the suites on this list Feng Office too is free and open source.


Only Office is another open source and free office suite on this list. It has a great clean and modern User Interface. Like Google’s G Suite, OnlyOffice is also a cloud-based office suite. It has three applications, Document for word documents, Spreadsheet to manage and create spreadsheets and Presentation for creating and editing presentations. It can be used to open complex word documents.

Wps Office Or Libreoffice


Open Office Vs Wps Office


Kingsoft Wps Office Vs Libreoffice

Although Microsoft Office is the most used and most known Office Suite, it is not the only one. There are a bunch of good Office Suites that are free and open source which provide you with a lot of features and are also light on your wallet. We mentioned list of best Office suites for Linux, where each have their own pros and cons. Choose the one that best matches your needs.

Alex Kemp
21107216160 http://etmg.altervista..
Libreoffice vs openoffice

I am looking for software for an old computer of my father's. He has MS Works and uses word documents. He has lots of files and would like to continue using Works but a new laptop he purchased does not open .wps files. Will LibreOffice works for him?

Wps Office Libreoffice
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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Alex Kemp
close date 2020-08-19 18:54:08.032683


The tag on the files he uses is .wps

Libreoffice Vs Wps Office

Suggestion, you can try LibreOffice as a portable application ( http://portableapps.com/apps/office/l.. ) and test it yourself, or give it to your father to play with. If it meets his/your needs then you can do a full install.