Rocket Typist

Rocket Typist is an easy-to-use snippet manager and text extender. Once you have collected your snippets, you will never have to type them again. The tool can help you with commonly-repeated phrases, signatures with or without images, current date and time; names, addresses and other contact details; hard to remember technical terms, support replies to your customers, code snippets for. Rocket Typist 3 This will be a big (free) update with many important new features such as iCloud sharing so you can share a collection of snippets with friends and colleges, similar to the sharing capabilities you know from Apple’s Notes app. This update also includes many improvements based on feedback from you.

I have never got more „thank you emails“ than for Rocket Typist. However, only a small percentage of my sales are for Rocket Typist. That tells me that Rocket Typist has a good potential to become the favorite text expander app for many more people. Sometimes people just write me that they love the app. It always blows my mind that people take the time, find the contact page and send me such messages without wanting something in return. Thank you for your nice words! Thinking about it, they probably want to make sure I keep investing into the app. And I definitely will. This year will be a good one for Rocket Typist!

Good News for 2020

  • I am currently finishing an important update for PDF Squeezer. Once that is finished, I will continue to work on Rocket Typist.

  • Rocket Typist 3
    This will be a big (free) update with many important new features such as iCloud sharing so you can share a collection of snippets with friends and colleges, similar to the sharing capabilities you know from Apple’s Notes app. This update also includes many improvements based on feedback from you. Many small tweaks will also make the overall experience a lot better. Much of version 3 has already been finished, but the list is long and everything has to be tested as well. Follow me on Twitter if you want get updates as soon as possible.

  • Rocket Typist for iOS
    Bringing Rocket Typist to iOS is probably the number one feature request I get. I often do communicate with my iOS devices and have more than once wished to have access to my snippets. So it is in my own interest to have an iOS version of the app soon. The first version of the app will be more basic than the Mac version. The number one goal is to have easy access to the snippets on your Mac. So the iCloud synchronization should be included. You should also be able to use most of the macros (some won’t work because of iOS restrictions by Apple). But more on that later. At the moment I just have a small prototype running, but it looks like I did a good job and can reuse a lot of code from the Mac version, which will speed up the development.

    Updated Icons

  • I was lucky to get to know the great designer Raphael Lopes. He did a great job improving the icon for the Mac version and also created a new icon for the iOS version. Here’s some Rocket Typist trivia: The app is probably the only app on the planet that was named after its icon. The original app icon did exist before the app itself. I originally planed to publish a download manager app called Rapid Download. I already had something running that was very similar to Flox. But in the end I figured that it wasn’t worth the effort to create something that isn’t much better than what already exists. The problem was I already paid for an icon which was the rocket you know from Rocket Typist. So when I had the idea to create a text expander app a year later I took the rocket icon and came up with a name that fit the rocket icon. The icon did not fit perfectly, but it was still a good icon. Version 3 will finally get something with a better connection to the typing theme and it will match the style of the iOS version of the app.

    macOS (new)

  • Update November 2020:

    The year is coming to an end, but where is Rocket Typist 3 and Rocket Typst for iOS? As often, everything takes longer than expected. The Rocket Typist 3 is almost ready. Beta tests will start soon so that a final release isn’t that far in the future anymore. Rocket Typist for iOS and Rocket Typist 3 will definitely not make it in 2020, but I am sure that everyone will understand that I rather make a good solid app than a rushed and unfinished one.

Rocket Typist 3

All students should practice typing at home using the proper fingers and NOT LOOKING DOWN AT YOUR KEYBOARD.

Please practice for 15 minutes a day, preferably 4 to 5 times a week.

Rocket typist ipad

Remember, this is your homework for computer lab.


If you are at home and would like to print a color coded keyboard map, Click here.
If you are at home and would like to print a color coded finger map, Clickhere.
If you are at home and would like to print a mnemonics for the keyboard, Click here

We use skins in the computer lab to cover our keys…..they are not required but are a great resource! There are two different styles we have used at East Side. To buy the one we are currently using at school clickhereor there’s another choice that we had previous years and it is available here.

Are you a Terrifically Trained Typist?

MacRocket typist app

Rocket Typist

Always use the correct fingers for the correct letters!

1st Grade

Rocket Typist
  1. Dance Mat

2nd Grade

3rd, 4th & 5th Grades

Typing for Speed

When you have mastered the keyboard after completing and passing the final test, then try these sites below to increase your speed.

  1. Alpha Quick (How fast can you type the alphabet?)

Reward Games

Have a great time playing some of these fun games AFTER you have done your typing homework.

Remember to keep your fingers on the home row.

**Games that allow you to set the level to Home Row only.

Rocket Typist

  1. Keyboard Climber Up for a challenge? Try Keyboard Climber 2
  2. Popcorn Typing **
  3. Typing War **
  4. Typo Tron **
  5. Caveboy Keyboarding**
  6. Games**
  7. Free Typing Games **