
Zip file with reference image which summarizes the categories for a significant portion of the flight line and a project file with field outlines that can be used with the MultiSpec freeware software application. This information comes from notes taken during a wind-shield survey of the area. MultiSpec is an image processing tool to display and analyze geospatial images. The online version has all of the features in the Macintosh and Windows desktop versions. More information on MultiSpec can be found at the MultiSpec site. Note that you need to create an account (register) on mygeohub.

  1. Multispec Download
  2. Multispec Software

Multispec Download

MultiSpec is being developed at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, by David Landgrebe* and Larry Biehl from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, ITaP and LARS. It results from an on-going multiyear research effort which is intended to define robust and fundamentally based technology for analyzing multispectral and hyperspectral image data, and to transfer this technology to the user community in as rapid a manner as possible. The results of the research are implemented into MultiSpec and made available to the user community via the download pages. MultiSpec© with its documentation© is distributed without charge.

Note that an online version is available.

The source code for MultiSpec was released as open source on on February 28, 2020. (


Please send questions, comments or problems to Larry Biehl. (Web page designer: Katie Biehl)

Multispec Software

*David Landgrebe passed away on November 21, 2020.