We've got over 3,500 flashcards ready for you to learn
A comprehensive set of Chinese flashcards is the best way to learn Chinese. But if you want to learn Chinese fast then you don't want to waste time making them yourself.
That's why we've created them all for you. Full audio is included so you can perfect your pronunciation too.
Vocabulary Builder is ideal for anyone wishing to learn some words and phrases for use on holiday, as well as those looking to brush up their language skills. Our unique method combines visual and acoustic training: each of the almost 2,000 words and phrases comes with a memorable illustration and is articulated by our professional speaker. Chinese Vocabulary: Food, Shopping, Colors, Numbers, Sports and MORE! Learn from over 50 categories of Chinese Vocabulary to get by in China.
To help you pick up the vocabulary that's most relevant to you we've sorted all of the flashcards into topic-related categories.
Lesson Drills Make It Easy to Learn New Chinese Words
Want to learn 30 new flashcards in a night? No problem, our lesson drills work by gradually introducing new flashcards while testing you to make sure you don't forget what you have already studied.
- Yabla Chinese offers a spaced repetition system (SRS) where we keep track of the words you are learning and schedule them to be reviewed just before you forget them. Subscribe today and start building your vocabulary with a personalized vocabulary set.
- Start studying Early China Vocabulary (Chapter 10). Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools.
Lesson drills continue until you have successfully remembered each flashcard four times. Flashcards are tested at longer and longer intervals to make sure they start working their way out of your short-term memory into your medium/long-term memory.
Chinese Vocabulary Builder
Track Your Progress and Forget Nothing!
Many language learners have actually forgotten more words than they remember!
Don't let that happen to you.
To make sure you're not wasting your study time the Remembr.it system will test you on every flashcard so you don't forget it. Tests are scheduled at longer and longer intervals as your memory improves.
Instant access, No Credit Card Required
We've got over 3,500 flashcards ready for you to learn
A comprehensive set of Chinese flashcards is the best way to learn Chinese. But if you want to learn Chinese fast then you don't want to waste time making them yourself.
That's why we've created them all for you. Full audio is included so you can perfect your pronunciation too.
To help you pick up the vocabulary that's most relevant to you we've sorted all of the flashcards into topic-related categories.
Lesson Drills Make It Easy to Learn New Chinese Words
Want to learn 30 new flashcards in a night? No problem, our lesson drills work by gradually introducing new flashcards while testing you to make sure you don't forget what you have already studied.
Lesson drills continue until you have successfully remembered each flashcard four times. Flashcards are tested at longer and longer intervals to make sure they start working their way out of your short-term memory into your medium/long-term memory.
Track Your Progress and Forget Nothing!
Many language learners have actually forgotten more words than they remember!
Don't let that happen to you.
To make sure you're not wasting your study time the Remembr.it system will test you on every flashcard so you don't forget it. Tests are scheduled at longer and longer intervals as your memory improves.
Chinese Vocabulary Builder
Instant access, No Credit Card Required